Please complete the form below. You will be contacted by a representative from the LANSA team to provide the license.

Items highlighted with * are required.

Your contact details
Details of the server where you will install LongRange
CIK - Corporate Identification Key (Optional)

You need to provide a CIK when you:

  • Have acquired a LongRange app from a third party to run on your IBM i server, or
  • Want to run your LongRange apps on an additional IBM i server.

Provide the CIK of the company that owns the LongRange app (the third party or your own company).

Details of the PCs where LongRange Studio will be installed (Optional)

When you purchase a license for LongRange Server you also need to license your copies of LongRange Studio. Note: Apps built with the trial version of LongRange Studio will only run in conjunction with a trial version of LongRange Server.

Paste the PC Identification Keys from each PC that requires a LongRange Studio license:


Note: We respect your privacy. Personal information that you choose to give will be used only to respond to your request. If you tell us that you do not wish this information be used as a basis for further contact, we will respect your wishes.